Planning Ahead/ Saving a Bit of Sanity

We know very well when Christmas is and yet every year so many of us are running behind on baking, decorating, shopping, gathering stocking stuffers, writing out Christmas cards, etc. 
We know it may snow in our area each winter but because it seldom doesn’t amount to much we put off buying the kids coveralls or mittens or sleds and then we get a surprise storm with enough snow to play in and a lot of people aren’t ready. 
So often we are caught unprepared for things we know are coming yet we just don’t plan ahead.

I have always tried to make a point of being ready ahead of time for most things but still I am caught short.

In an effort to do better and  to help my family be more prepared for seasonal or monthly events I am putting notes in my planner to alert myself and remind everyone that it’s time to get on the ball and get ready for the upcoming event.

I know, we’re all adults and yes, we should be able to handle it all on our own. But the fact is, life is busy and we just get distracted. Easter candy has been out for weeks but it’s still about a month away. So when you first see it you think ‘too soon!’ then the second time you see it you buy the peanut butter eggs and don’t worry about the rest because you have plenty of time before the actual holiday.

The next thing you know it is upon you and you are scrambling for jelly beans and chocolate bunny and assorted egg fillers for whoever you do baskets for. 

So here is my plan. For holidays  you jot a note 30 days ahead of time in your calendar that you need to get your holiday ducks in a row. This year Easter is April 4th. So March 4th is (would have been) your goal for gathering and shopping for things other than Easter dinner. If you want cute stuff from Hobby Lobby you’d better start even earlier!

For July 4th plan on shopping around June 4th. Halloween shopping commences September 30. and so on. 

Now for the really important things. If you want to make sure you have winter gear you’d better start looking the first week of October. This should come printed in every calendar sold, the way they print the holidays. You need to be ready, just in case.  If you aren’t, snowmageddon is coming and your kids will be wearing socks for mittens.

Likewise bathing suits should be purchased well before June or good luck finding anything you like and flip flops are long gone by then.

With a little extra planning we can at least keep some of the holidays and events a little stress free. 

And while you’re out there picking up this and that, toss an extra random lip balm, pair of mittens, nail file, scented candle, or whatever catches your eye in the cart and put it in a special box or tote bag for a spur of the moment birthday gift bag or stocking stuffers. We have all been caught short in the past, admit it. If you don’t need any of these random extra items throughout the year they’ll be perfect in stockings come Christmastime.