
​I blogged a few years ago but it was pretty sporadic and I didn’t seem to have a lot to say. It sounds funny to say that because now my head is full of ideas. But back then it was just really hard to write.

Maybe I was too busy with my kids.  Now that I am a bit older I have a clearer head and my thoughts just flow onto paper or keyboard so much more easily than they used to. 

When I was a teenager I wrote poetry and wanted to be an author.  I was always writing and my pad of paper was never far from me. It feels like that now. Creative juices flowing or whatever you want to call it. 

I tried vlogging once, at the encouragement of my vlogger daughter, Bethany. It was not a good fit for me. I don’t do enough interesting things and I felt awkward and self conscience.

Blogging is a much better choice for me. It’s like journaling in a way, which I do all the time. I enjoy it and I feel comfortable doing it. 

My love of words goes back to when I was a little girl. I was always writing song lyrics since music was another great love. I enjoyed the challenge of making words ‘fit’. Discovering new words was a joy. 

I am also interested in the origins of words. I’m a true logophile. I find words fascinating and fun. Blogging lets me enjoy my hobbies of words and writing and I get to talk about whatever I want. Maybe someone will read my words. They might even enjoy what I have to say, which would be wonderful.