Breakfast of Champions for Over 50 Years

I’ve been having coffee & toast for breakfast pretty much every day of my adult life. Before the coffee it was Pepsi (don’t hate) and before that it was hot chocolate with my morning toast.

I remember having cocoa and peanut butter toast on a cold, dreary day when I was around 4 years old while watching Captain Kangaroo. This is a staple meal of my entire life. It’s also a pretty nifty name for a blog! 

Toast seems so simple but it is truly the original comfort food. People always say soup & a grilled cheese sandwich or mashed potatoes and roast when asked about comfort food but who doesn’t feel all warm and fuzzy when recalling toast with cinnamon sugar eaten during  childhood? We call that Teddy Bear toast in our house and its warm, buttery sweetness just makes everything feel better. 

Toast with butter and jam is another delicious option. Even toast with melted butter is yummy. And you can’t beat plain toast for when you have an upset stomach. 

So next time someone mentions comfort food or asks about your favorite breakfast food, don’t go getting all fancy. Give toast and coffee the love & recognition they deserve.