
We all know that life is full of changes. Some are easy to adapt to but others are a bit more challenging. 

Our youngest daughter just moved into her first apartment. She is 21 and eager to ‘adult’. As her mom I wish she’d stay home longer, save more money, be a little more worldly than she is before living alone. Her dad seems to think it is a good idea for her to be out on her own. It’s probably a little of both, but it’s still hard for both of us. 

She is our little girl. We want the best for her but worry like all parents do. Still, hearing the excitement in her voice as she called from the checkout line in Target with her first household items in her cart made me feel proud of her. 

She’s going to have a nervous first night there. She’s going to make some cooking mistakes that will trigger a frantic phone call to mom. She’ll have her first party there and she’ll have friends over and have game nights. She’ll also have lonely nights and that is part of it. 

I’ll pray for her happiness and safety there as I pray for all of my children every day. I always ask God to protect all my children and grandchildren (as well as everyone I love) from accident, illness, addiction and harm. I’ll add a little extra request for Jenny – that she is happy and thriving in her new grown up world. I’ll also pray for help with all the changes in life that come our way.